Our transportation hydraulics experts analyze the interactions between transportation infrastructure (bridges, culverts, roadways, etc.) and rivers or other water bodies. Many water crossing failures are caused by flowing water undermining pier and abutment foundations or washing out approach roads. Water crossings are also susceptible to channel shifting and alterations in morphology caused by changes in the upstream watershed (such as dams, land use, or climate change).
We offer a complete package of services for water crossing hydraulic studies that includes hydrologic analysis to determine design discharges, geomorphic assessment of channel stability and migration potential, and hydraulic modelling (1D/2D/3D) to estimate design water surface elevations and velocities. Our investigations often include “no rise” evaluations; assessment of floodplain/floodway impacts; scour calculations to help establish pier and abutment foundation elevations; and design of channel stabilization and water crossing structure protection features that satisfy environmental requirements. NHC has extensive experience developing cost-effective and sustainable designs for retrofit or replacement of water crossings that are barriers to fish passage. These designs range from simple and inexpensive modifications to full water crossing replacements and channel reconstruction.
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