Local Perspective - Worldwide Experience
We are known for combining practical knowledge and experience with sophisticated modelling and analysis to identify and develop solutions for our clients. NHC is both a local and international company, with a physical hydraulic modelling operation that is the largest in western North America. We’ve completed thousands of projects in North America and many others in Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa. We maintain a long-term commitment to water-based projects in developing countries through targeted project work and philanthropy.

We are Different – Get to Know Us
Water is vital to the world’s human population and the environment. Over 40 percent of the world’s population lives within 100 km of the ocean coastline, and more than 50 percent of the world’s population lives 3 km or less from surface water (rivers, lakes, streams, and wetlands). NHC is passionate about addressing flooding threats to communities, providing solutions that manage and use water better in the built and natural environment, and protecting and restoring freshwater and coastal ecosystems. Our work continues to benefit the natural environment and lives of individuals around the world.