Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development
Nicola River, Merritt, British Columbia
Dams, Spillways, and Outlet Works
Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development
Nicola River, Merritt, British Columbia
Dams, Spillways, and Outlet Works
NHC conducted a dam safety review (DSR) of Nicola Lake Dam. The DSR included a site visit for visual inspection and to interview staff responsible for the operation, maintenance, and surveillance of the dam. In addition, the DSR included the identification of possible hazards and associated failure modes of the dam and the completion of a comprehensive analysis of the dam safety expectations. Following that, NHC conducted dam breach analyses to evaluate two dam failure scenarios (sunny-day and flood-induced). NHC conducted one–dimensional modelling to predict the dam breach outflow hydrographs at the dam and two–dimensional modelling to route the flood wave over a 67-km-long reach downstream. The consequence classification of Nicola Lake Dam was then re-examined following the completion of the dam breach analysis and flood inundation mapping in accordance with the 2007 CDA Dam Safety Guidelines (2013 Edition).