David Nairne + Associates
Metlakatla is a community concentrated on the north shore of Venn Passage, located roughly 7.5 km northwest of Prince Rupert. The shoreline along this community is exposed to local wind waves from southeast through to west as well as swell approaching the site from the west through Dixon Inlet. The banks along the shoreline consist of vegetated consolidated granular material that are and have experienced erosion. The ongoing erosion is threatening the road and utilities buried adjacent and under the road.
NHC has been working with DNA to evaluate the coastal hazard and design shoreline protection as mitigation for the community. The shoreline protection incorporated Green Shores principles where possible. Significant design constraints on site included sensitive intertidal habitat and numerous archaeological sites along the shoreline. The final design included a large soft shore beach that provides both erosion protection as well as recreational and social utility to the community.
Subsequently NHC provided a detailed design drawing package and specifications for the 1.6 km of shoreline protection, and provided site construction reviews on the coastal work. All materials were barged to site and construction was done entirely from the water with no vehicles or haul trucks using village roads.
Construction of beach 3 and 4 was started in 2019 and substantially completed in 2020. Construction challenges in Prince Rupert area included limited qualified marine contractors, lower quality rock materials available locally, large tidal ranges and adverse weather conditions. Despite this the project was completed to design and post construction monitoring shows the works are functioning well.