Nez Perce Tribe Fisheries
Golden, Idaho
CFD and Numerical Modelling
Nez Perce Tribe Fisheries
Golden, Idaho
CFD and Numerical Modelling
Fish tracking and anecdotal observations of fish abundance led Nez Perce Tribe Fisheries to infer the presence of a fish passage barrier for upstream migrating steelhead at a particularly steep and confined reach of the South Fork Clearwater River. NHC was subcontracted to develop a detailed 2D hydraulic model showing velocity distributions across a wide range of flows to evaluate the timing and persistence of barrier formation. We surveyed the reach using a combination of UAV (drone) photographs and traditional total station methods. Using Structure from Motion (SfM), a photogrammetric technique used to create 3D models and ortho-imagery from overlapping photographs, more than 2,000 UAV photographs were processed to develop an extremely detailed (two-inch grid size) terrain of the exposed riverbed. Combined with underwater bathymetry, the terrain model was the basis for a 2D hydraulic model that provided a robust foundation for biological fish passage evaluation revealing barriers at certain flows. SfM-derived terrain and ortho-imagery allows the client to visualize the modelled river conditions.