State of Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
NHC chronicled the ice breakup characteristics of 4 major rivers and 7 unnamed tributaries in support of the Bullen Point Road design project on the North Slope of Alaska. This new road begins in Deadhorse, Alaska and extends approximately 50 miles east to West Stains. NHC is working as a subcontractor to PND Engineers of Alaska.
In the spring of 2005 and 2006, NHC staff conducted extensive field work to document ice breakup characteristics using staff gages, pressure transducers, an ADCP, ice corer, punjar drills and detailed field notes. Visual observations were documented with georeferenced video and time lapsed photographs.
In the fall of 2006, NHC worked with PND Engineers to develop designs for approximately 11 stream and river crossings of the proposed road. NHC assisted in sighting and sizing the crossings, and provided design data to PND structural engineers on the magnitude of expected ice forces.